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2009-02-15 07:40:08
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Official Role-Playing Tournament

The Champion's Tournament


Contest Closed


Here in Elftown there have been drawing contests, photography contests, colouring contests, prose contests, poetry contests, clothes-designing contests... contests that cater for the interests of this community.

Except one. In a community teeming with Role-players, where is the contest to decide the best? I have seen many people claim to be excellent role-players, only the be disappointed when I saw their skill. I've seen god players, power players and hundreds of Mary Sues. But I have also seen skill, talent, interesting characters and strong role-playing. Now it's time to put that skill and talent to the test.  

The Champion's Tournament is a tournament to decide the best Role-player on Elftown. Dare you compete?


* Contestants * CT Rules * CT Judges *


Note: Reading the rules would be a wise idea.

The Champion's Tournament will be played in groups rounds, with each player who scores over a certain amount of points continuing to the following round.

The winners will be decided by judges who will follow a set criteria for awarding points. The judge(s) of your particular match will remain anonymous.

Points will be awarded for the originality of your character, as well as role-play skills. You may submit up to three characters to use throughout the tournament.

The winner will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it. The badge itself is still a surprise.



We are looking for the best role-player not the strongest character! This isn’t a fighting tournament, where whoever kills the other’s character is the winner – it’s a role-play tournament – the winner will be the best role-player; and as all good role-players know, that doesn’t necessarily mean the one with the strongest character.

And since it's a fair assumption that most people here are into role-playing, why don't you check out Text Adventures? If you've got an RP of your own, and you want members, add it!


Moderated by [iippo] & [windowframe]

Username (or number or email):


2006-01-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh, sorry, I deleted the Pearl Jam question. You just look weird now, deus.

2006-01-27 [Leara]: And yet you seem to stereotype me based on a title. :P

2006-01-27 [deus-ex-machina]: Because you're a guard? No. You have responsiblities as a guard. You ought to enforce the 'don't be an asshole' rule. Being human and being a guard doens't exclude you from displaying such an example more than say myself.

2006-01-27 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: true. but those responsibilities are as follows: "Follow the rules" "Punish those who do not" THE!!! END!!!

2006-01-27 [Leara]: Someone being offended by something I said that wasn't meant in an offensive way, doesn't make me an asshole. :P

2006-01-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: Someone being annoyed by something I did that wasn't meant in a way to cause trouble, doesn't make me a troublemaker.

2006-01-27 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: And someone being insulted by something that was not intended to be an insult, does not make me a mean person.

2006-01-27 [Faulty Limerence]: So Kai, we need to actually plan Bloodlines this time.

2006-01-27 [iippo]: What a boring argument you people had here. Boring boring boring. Now everybody shut up. =)

2006-01-27 [deus-ex-machina]: I'm going to take by no example what so ever and not be an asshole... Thus, I'm not carrying this on. Like I said, I was bored. However, not trying to be offensive doesn't make what you said any less asshole-ish.

2006-01-27 [iippo]: Take it to private places already, it bores me and has nothing to do with me or this competition. *wonder why she is allowing random chatter at all, since no other official contest does*

2006-01-27 [deus-ex-machina]: D'um, I just said I wasn't continuing. That was going to be my last post. I don't know why you allow it either - just do what you want, FFS.

2006-01-27 [iippo]: *pokes deus in the eye* Bring that "why is everything shit" -book to la birthday if you have it.

2006-01-27 [deus-ex-machina]: =O No chit chat! *whispers* okie dokie.

2006-01-27 [Calico Tiger]: Yar, I've actually quit watching this wiki page because of all the spam. Especially when the conversation turned to.... pee..... :-/

2006-01-27 [Wes Foxx]: I just ignore whatever comments are made, since anything of importance will be added to the page changes :3

2006-01-28 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: oO

2006-01-28 [Blade503]: wasn't the dead line feb. 2nd?

2006-01-28 [Veltzeh]: No, 12th...

2006-01-28 [Blade503]: okay

2006-01-31 [iippo]: *conversation moved here now* Unless people are waiting to get some obscure number like 111 or 123 or something else as useless like that. and as Merc said, the numbers will be f00ked anyway when we boot the ones that don't pass.

2006-01-31 [The Blonde Witch]: Good lord, I don't envy the reading-load that you judges got in front of you ;)

2006-01-31 [NamelessMerc]: It'll be a lot less than you think, I should imagine. There'll be a couple which are blatantly 'wrong'.

2006-01-31 [Lunnie]: They're 10, that makes 10 contestants each if they get 100 to join. That means a max of 30 sheets if they all join with 3 chars. This excludes the fact some sheets have... 5 lines. So it's nott hat bad. I read through the first 30 contestants on my own to see what was going on before joining.

2006-01-31 [NamelessMerc]: <.<; >.>; That means you read through Tethis before I changed the way it read... Heh, half of that can't have made sense.

2006-01-31 [Lunnie]: Yeah, i read through your sheets, mainly because you came from RoL at some point. XD

2006-01-31 [NamelessMerc]: At some point? I'm in Parties 2 and 7 :P And my second character is an upgraded version of Tyza in P2

2006-01-31 [Lunnie]: Well, there you go. That's what I meant. I just don't see you play because we're nto int he same parties but I recognized the races from Lemire. ;P

2006-01-31 [NamelessMerc]: XD of course. Had to represent Dur, didn't I? Though to be honest Tethis is my veteran character, I think he's coming up on 3+1/2 years playtime now.

2006-01-31 [Lunnie]: Mmm, I didn't enter my oldest RP char(Donovan). o.o;; All my entrants come form Dur's RPs. xD They're the only RPs I'm in now.

2006-01-31 [NamelessMerc]: Ah, well technically Tethis is a new character in Blood of Creation ((Shameless wiki-whoring)) but the basic story never changes XD

2006-01-31 [Lunnie]: Ah well -pets-

2006-01-31 [NamelessMerc]: *Ish petted?* ^_^;

2006-02-01 [Paul Doyle]: I wonder if there's a word-count limit. My anthro-dragon guy's page just gets longer and longer and longer, and it is still not done.

2006-02-01 [iippo]: We do not set any limits.

2006-02-01 [Grengo]: That reminds me, I gotta' add more info to Virul's page <_< Eh, I'll do it later.

2006-02-01 [Lunnie]: Tsk Grengo. Knowing you, you probably won't do it. xD

2006-02-01 [Grengo]: <img:>

2006-02-01 [Lunnie]: Lmao xD

2006-02-01 [Duredhel]: Surpsising how much that guy actually looks like [Grengo]

2006-02-01 [Grengo]: Speak for yourself, Abe Lincoln --> <img:>

2006-02-01 [Lunnie]: xD you guys are funneh. ;P

2006-02-01 [Delladreing]: <img150*0:stuff/dela.ya.rly.jpg> :p

2006-02-01 [Veltzeh]: <img150*0:> 'Nuff said. >_>

2006-02-01 [Lunnie]: lol weirdos xD

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Seems that I have so bumbing to do. >_> *will do it*

2006-02-02 [iippo]: You know, I came online today and there were 200 new posts in one forum.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Shocking! I mean, I wasn't even away all last night.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: I did log in at one point, so it's odd that people talked that much in such a short time.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Of course that's nothing compared to when I joined that forum.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: I had to read through 9000+ old posts.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: But it's polite, you know? To read the conversation that happened before.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: I tend to expect if from people joining wikis midway.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: It was useful too though, because I read all these old postings that had good ideas that had been forgotten, and brought them back up again.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: And I had a really good time reading all the old stuff too.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Not to mention the boasting rights: "I read through the forum!" :P

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Yeah, they all throw little rocks at me whenever I say it these days.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: First one off the page...

2006-02-02 [iippo]: ...NOW!

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Yay! She scores! (nevermind the sexual innuendo)

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Then the second picture....

2006-02-02 [iippo]: ...GONE!!!

2006-02-02 [iippo]: This is going real good... :)

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Here we go: a double: GONE!

2006-02-02 [iippo]: And another one right after it! POW!

2006-02-02 [iippo]: iippo wins. (did it become clear that I'm not fond of pictures in comments slots? It became clear that I dont like pictures in comment slots.)

2006-02-02 [Firous]: hehehe...that's great! ^.^ I agree completely

2006-02-02 [Firous]: *FF7 Victory music*

2006-02-02 [Veltzeh]: Surprisingly, I agree too >_> I had 160 postings to read here yesterday... And I only posted that squirrel because it's one of my best. XD </excuse-generator>

2006-02-02 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: uhm...FF7 victory music is the victory music for nearly all FF games.... -_-;;;; (please tell me you knew that...)

2006-02-02 [iippo]: *still doesn't play FF* I feel you Vel (not in your private parts or anything silly like that, just... feel). They were 200 when I got there X_x And I still couldn't skip *is the forum-whore*

2006-02-02 [Veltzeh]: Yeah. I went "WTF 160! *skip*" and then complained about the amount of postings. XD

2006-02-02 [Grengo]: Blegh <_< Do what I do and just read the last four messages.

2006-02-02 [iippo]: Blashphemy! O_<

2006-02-02 [Veltzeh]: Yeah well, if the forum wasn't named "junk" I would've read it! XD

2006-02-02 [Firous]: I know...but FF7 is the best of them all...favoritism won over ^.^'

2006-02-02 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: I read all of the ones on hte current page....and into hte page before, if I need to

2006-02-03 [Faulty Limerence]: Every FF has different victory music. While some do start out the same, they are all different after the initial part.

2006-02-03 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: but the "da-da-da-da! Da. Da. Da! Da-da!" is the same in (almost) all

2006-02-03 [Kai Crewger]: almost. the theme is the same, they just add different ornaments and stuff

2006-02-03 [Faulty Limerence]: That's what I said.

2006-02-03 [Kai Crewger]: yes.

2006-02-03 [iippo]: But in the forum only one comment is open at a time. So not only you need to read a sheetload of sheet, you also need to keep clicking. >.O

2006-02-03 [Grengo]: Har har, ya' don't know me well enough Lunnie >:D Updated Virul's bio.

2006-02-03 [Lunnie]: Shh, I was just teasing you. ^__^ Now go update Camus's dream >D!

2006-02-03 [Faulty Limerence]: So is everyone using that name now?

2006-02-03 [Veltzeh]: Oh no, still only [Grengo]. And you, I think it was? Bad memory and lazy clicker...

2006-02-03 [iippo]: Yet it still matters not if someone has the same name >.<

2006-02-03 [Veltzeh]: Gotta second that.

2006-02-03 [Grengo]: I don't wanna' update Camus's dream <_<;;; Gagh... I'll post something quick, I suppose.

2006-02-03 [Faulty Limerence]: I no it doesn't matter hahah ^_^*

2006-02-06 [iippo]: I bet you all are real bored waiting for this stuff to start, so amuse your selves: Tournament Impressions by our very own [Yncke] (no, you can't have her, she's mine!! Mine!!!!)

2006-02-09 [Tainted Guardian]: Well the deadline for character submission is approching fast, can't wait to get started. ^-^

2006-02-10 [NamelessMerc]: Speaking of the deadline, [Erekosen] is meeting up with me tomorrow to work on his submission... Do entries have to be in at Midnight Saturday, ElfTown time or Midnight Sunday, ElfTown time?

2006-02-10 [iippo]: I'd say the wiki closes on the evening of the 12th.

2006-02-11 [Paul Doyle]: Wow, three official ET contests closing within 24 hours of each other. o_O *gets cracking on finishing entries for all three!*

2006-02-12 [windowframe]: Arrite people, last chance to GET RID OF THOSE "UNFINISHED" SIGNS! If you don't remove it before the deadline, your bio won't be judged! Even if you’ve finished your bio, and just not removed the ‘unfinished’ notice, so check that you have!

2006-02-13 [Fizban]: Chance is over...contest closed...let round one grading finally begin ^_^. (not to steal your thunder ;)

2006-02-13 [Raie]: I finished my LAST character with 4 minutes and 50 seconds left!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: The contestants page will be reopened when I'm done faffing. Fear teh faffage.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: oh geez i got kinda scared there for a second XD

2006-02-13 [Raie]: so thats how your doing it...

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: Doing what?

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: Are we not allowed to talk? I'm just wondering.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: O.o it keeps disaprearing O.o

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: Uh... I'm not that fussed, I can just start ignoring the link here whilst I faff.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: *does a little jig* yay

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: Well I mean it just keeps getting deleted or something.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: maybe its just ET being spooty. wouldnt be the first time

2006-02-13 [Fizban]: faffing...oys. Torture seeing change upon un-viewable change upon contestants lol.

2006-02-13 [Raie]: thats what I said, but it got deletinated.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: args such torcher when shall it be over with >.<

2006-02-13 [Fizban]: torcher-a person who sets fire ^_O

2006-02-13 [Raie]: torture-extreme pain

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: *hasn't deleted any comment recently*

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: Oops I so have bad spelling >.>

2006-02-13 [Fizban]: *looks at the above warning...* guys...scatter! *flees the scene*

2006-02-13 [Raie]: *jumps onto Kieltja* "Quick Poptart Gurl, run!"

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: Warning?? What warning*looks around*

2006-02-13 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: poptarts? Where??

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: *freaks out and runs away*

2006-02-13 [Grengo]: Err... is access supposed to be denied when trying to enter the Contestants page?

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yes.

2006-02-13 [Grengo]: Huh... alrighty. >_>

2006-02-13 [NightHawk]: Perhaps there could be a mirror page opened, so the various contestants could browse everyone's characters? Just a thought.

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh my god this is annoying. I keep getting my hopes up and going and then it's never there.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: did i see a comment change on the page o.O i was so hopeful

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: yeah. I just stopped watching, figuring they'd put up an announcement when they're done

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: I know! When I saw the comment I thought "It's up for sure." And it wasn't.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: ah well i just keep hopeing.

2006-02-13 [NightHawk]: I'm not really sure why they blocked the entire page... they could have just put a posting block on it... it kinda cuts all the contestants off from each other, IMHO. Whatever. I'm patient.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: its so to keep people like up in suspence>>

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: *didn't do that just to annoy everyone* <.<  >.> nope. There's no point in putting a mirror page up. This is for a few hours, then you'll be able to see again.

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: if you're still watching, you keep seeing that annoying changes/comments notice pop up and you're like "maybe it's finally done?" but it isn't...

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: yea but one of these times it will so be done!!

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: I keep wondering how they're gonna stop people from editing their bios...

2006-02-13 [Lunnie]: If you're an honest player and participant you just won't.

2006-02-13 [NightHawk]: Re: SilverFire: Ah, I see. Nevermind, then. It's all good.

2006-02-13 [NightHawk]: Not to mention they can tell when the last time was that you edited it

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: yup and then we just kick the dishonest ones in the shins! Whahah!

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: I don't care whether they're honest players, they *won't* be able to edit them :P

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: OK. So we have to wait a while longer?

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: *laughs* I guess

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: Jupp. o.< It's twenty past two in the morning here, so I'm not working my fastest, plus iippo's toddled off to bed, so I'm working all on my lonesome. Patience is all I ask; though cookies would be good too. :)

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: Well, then, I don't know 'bout ya'll but I'll be back in a few hours. Peace.

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: looks like I'll have to find out the results tomorrow. Unless you get done in a couple hours.

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: Hopefully I will be. Otherwise I'll just collapse from lack of sleep. :\

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: *hands [windowframe] milk and cookies*

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: sorry, no cookies over here. but we do have freshly baked chocolate and cream-cheese cupcakes

2006-02-13 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: YAY COOKIES!! ^,^ *has officially gone over her sugar-allowance for the day, but will still eat a cookie*

2006-02-13 [NightHawk]: I have an empty bag of Fritos... guess that won't help much *sadface*

2006-02-13 [Fizban]: I think the cookies were for silverfire...>_>...and I have been watching,...editable our pages still are, or at least mine is lol. I need to see how you are doing this...not to undo it (as if I could ;) but its arent individually freezing each char page are you? *continues to guess, un-expectant of a answer*

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: XD Cookies are yummyful

2006-02-13 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: I would think some of those are used in other RPs...

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: yup they were for silverfire and all the hard work^_^

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: it's the honesty thing. all they have to do is watch a page. if it's for another rp, then it's up to them whether to boot you off or not when you edit

2006-02-13 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: ah ok. heheh.... ^^''' here. Take 'em. You aren't lazy like me at least. ^^;;;;;

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: I don't think they would, tho...

2006-02-13 [Fizban]: no, cause silverfire said, that they wont be able to edit, when asked previously...

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: hmm... well, they could just copy it onto another wiki and use the extra for the RP

2006-02-13 [Bannefin]: isn't it possible to look at the time stamp on each version of a wiki page? They'd just look for the last one before the cutoff

2006-02-13 [iippo]: Alright, this has been weird. You all just went to panic-mode when one wiki was made un-access to you people. Someone get a psychologist, I think we're on the brink of an interesting discovery. Now, I'm one for the idea of keeping contestants hidden until we're done judging, that way, the next time you see it, will be a sort of announcement of "here are those who passed."

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: agreement!

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: its evil cruel and perfect>>im so impatient

2006-02-13 [iippo]: It's not set, I just think it'd be cool (and might inspire Yncke do to a cool Tournament Impression -picture >_>) but it also is a bit of a hassle so we'll see. So anything I say at this point means squat all and must not be taken seriously.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: Heh^_^ that would be cool

2006-02-13 [iippo]: And someone asked in contestants that how will people know if they passed or not: You will know by going to the wiki contestants when we let you, and seeing whether you are on the list or not. We won't message everybody who passes, it's up to you to stay in touch enough to find out.

2006-02-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's been... over 17 hours.

2006-02-13 [Raie]: there were 107 people entered, thats a lot.

2006-02-13 [deus-ex-machina]: You might want to think more towards a week if you're waiting to see who passed. Judging won't have started until post deadline... And deadline was 2am for me.

2006-02-13 [Azuri]: I thought they started at midnight elftown time. cause it was only 7:30/8pm here when they started

2006-02-13 [deus-ex-machina]: Misunderstanding. It was midnight for me. Still, just be patient. And it was deadline for contestant entries, that does not necessarily mean we started judging at that second entires finished.

2006-02-13 [windowframe]: Oui. Me and Deus are on the same time as ET time, so when I started work on the bios, it was midnight. I've finished faffing with the page, in under twelve hours - the other five hours are due to iippo deciding she might want to keep the page hidden until the judging of bios is done - and some o' ye' fellows up there seemed to agree, if she does that, it's not my fault :)

2006-02-13 [iippo]: It makes it just so damn cool. And there might be some misunderstandings of "page was hidden, now page is open, I am still on page, wewt, I'm in tourny" which won't be the case if we open it after faffing. Now seriously, it's just one wiki-page giving you access denied -- not the end of the world, people can wait til we're done judging.

2006-02-13 [Wes Foxx]: 107 people entered, many/most with an average of around 2 characters. thats ALOT.

2006-02-13 [Falx]: Damn. The judges are going to be reading for quite a while then. ^^ Good thing there are also a lot of judges then, eh? ^_~

2006-02-13 [iippo]: I think at this point we can revelal that after deleting all entrants that hadn't removed under construction (plus a few odd ones that hadn't submitted any characters, or whose submission was an empty page), we have exactly 100 people entering. :D So far this tournament has been a success.

2006-02-13 [Falx]: Awesomundo! *Gah... is showing her age*

2006-02-13 [iippo]: *thumbs up and goes "heeeeeeyyyyy" or however you'd spell the unspellable holiness of the Fonz* ^_^ No matter what someone says, he's always cool.

2006-02-13 [Falx]: Damn right.

2006-02-13 [Kai Crewger]: gah! suspense!

2006-02-14 [Nebka]: Ow, 100 people huh. how many people do you guys think will actually make it? 70? 60?

2006-02-14 [windowframe]: No comment. ^^

2006-02-14 [Lunnie]: I wouldn't expect that many people to pass. >__>;;

2006-02-14 [Nebka]: 50? 40?

2006-02-14 [windowframe]: Repeat: No comment.

2006-02-14 [Grengo]: I say a little over.... 60. *Le Randome Guess*

2006-02-14 [Wes Foxx]: Will we be notified on our character page if the character is rejected?

2006-02-14 [iippo]: No. When the contestants-wiki opens, it is up to you to check if you're still in game or not. That much is required from any player in any roleplay.

2006-02-14 [windowframe]: So it might be useful to keep contestants page on watch. Next time it's edited *should* be when we're deleting unsucessfuls, and opening the page again

2006-02-14 [Nebka]: any suggestions on what we can do in the mean time? Sorry, I'm really bored in my webpage class.

2006-02-14 [iippo]: No, we don't go around suggesting what people should do with their lives. Just get on with it.

2006-02-14 [windowframe]: Create your own role-play, and add it to Text Adventures.

2006-02-14 [Falx]: Submit a contest or enter one up at Draw it!

2006-02-14 [Kitsune Arashi]: So... what happens now...?

2006-02-14 [iippo]: From your point of view: absolutely nothing happens for a week or two. From my point of view I will finis my essay, finish my Professional Practice submission, I'll do my part in judging the bios with the other judges as well as other general Elftown activities like edit in roleplays.

2006-02-14 [Jeesum Crowe]: ...Wait so we're waiting around for a week or two?

2006-02-14 [iippo]: As said, that is your point of view. We won't be waiting, we will work our asses off, so patience would again be appreciated, since people do have lives too, and no one is getting paid and everyone working for this project is a volunteer.

2006-02-14 [deus-ex-machina]: You could always figure out a little more about your character. No bio is without potential improvements.

2006-02-15 [Jeesum Crowe]: No, I was just clarifying that WE will be, so then I can chill out and not come look for the page every hour. Cool. OK, thanks. *chills*

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